Good Governance and human rights

Much as Uganda’s political environment provides opportunities for her citizens and CSOs to participate in the formulation of policies and laws, and indeed the development and implementation of activities; these however often lack the knowledge, experience and resources to participate effectively. As a result of the above, the citizens and even the CSOs have not been able to hold the government and other duty bearers accountable or even ask pertinent questions on issues of quality, equity and access to services and the guarantee of their rights by duty bearers at all levels. This situation has been made worse by the enactment of policies and laws that seem to completely narrow citizens’ capacity to freely demand for accountability from the duty bearers.

In regard to governance and human rights, this strategic plan shall address 4 key areas of focus namely; improving governance in delivery of social services; promoting civic participation; building resilience to emerging threats and improving accountability of state and non-state actors.

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