Climate change
According to the United Nations Joint Action Framework on Climate Change in Uganda, climate change threatens to reverse the hard-won development gains and jeopardize the country’s economic development and poverty eradication goals. A recent International Climate Risk Report labels Uganda as one of the most unprepared and most vulnerable countries in the world (CIGI, 2007). Yet among the most vulnerable countries, Uganda has the least adaptive capacity, making adaptation the most immediate priority for the country. Uganda as part of the Kyoto protocol has obligations to fulfill to avert the impacts of climate change. Uganda has continuously put in place both the institutional and legal framework for the same.
There is need therefore to advocate for increased financial and human capacities to implement the measures to reduce the impact of climate change (disaster risk reduction, mitigation and adaptation) and increase political will towards climate change issues both at national and local Government level. This if put into action would enhance formulation and/or implementation of policies, availability of meteorological information, let alone increased Community awareness about climate change.